Monday, August 22, 2011


I got a new job! It has completely farked up my blogging, but it IS helping me make ends meet (or it will. you know, once the pay checks start rolling in.) Once I complete the training phase that accompanies any new job, I will only be working 2 graveyard shifts a week. But, right now, I feel like I am chasing my tail in the dark living on a couple of hours a sleep a day, work, the kids, the house (that is slowly falling into pieces around my ears because I am just too damned tired to do more than pick up and vacuum). You know how it goes. If you don't, just imagine a stressed out mom with bored kids home all day while she tries to catch a few z's in between bouts of screaming arguments, listening for the back door to open indicating kids sneaking out of the house, and trying to keep the messes under control, the kids fed, the dogs pottied. . . all before her hubby comes home to "relieve" her to get some sleep while he, um, falls asleep himself on the couch. You can see where this is going, right? *sigh* I am exhausted. Bear with me, I am still working on my push ups and still trying to lose weight, even with the blasted cough that refuses to go away and my exhaustion and my messy house.

My boys started school today, so I should be able to get some more sleep this week while they are in school. And I hope and pray this damn training session doesn't last much longer. I don't think I will.

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