Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not dead

Just wanted to check in quick. I have been super sick these past few missed posts and either resting with a vague haze of the world around me or sound asleep in bed in between bouts of hacking cough, soothing the fire in my throat, and generally feeling like complete crap.

BUT, I have kept up with my push ups challenge all but one of those days (and on that day, I could barely move or breathe, so, in a sense of self preservation, or the fact that my body just couldn't get out of bed, push ups was the last on my list of things to do that day). However, after discussing it with my fitness pal Lori, we agreed that me not dying was better than doing a few push ups for the challenge.

I am now starting to feel better, if this blasted hacking cough would just go away, I would be back in tip top shape. So, look for more posts from me form now on. In the mean time, I will keep on pushing on with my push ups!

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