Saturday, August 6, 2011

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You!

So, my friend Lori (click her name and check out her blog!) and I are doing something fun and unique. We are starting on Monday, and I will explain more then. But, it should be fun, challenging, and supportive. I am so excited to get started!

As for myself, well, this weekend is kind of sucking for me. I have zero energy. And even less motivation. So, yeah, not much is getting done. I have told myself it is because Monday is when so many things will be getting started, that I should just let this be my last weekend, but I have said that so many times, it doesn't really hold much appeal, you know? So, I am still minding my calories, I am just not very active.

Ok, sitting around reading and wandering the pool watching my kids swim isn't active at all, but hey, I got out of bed today and brushed my teeth. At the rate I have been feeling, let's call today a success.

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