Monday, June 18, 2012

He wonders why I call him Prince Charming

I just had an interesting text conversation with my hubby.

Me: I think I want to sign up for the next 10 week challenge with Farrells.
Prince Charming: ok
Me: wait . . . really?
PC: if you promise to commit 100%, no excuses - yes, really.
Me: but, it's really expensive
PC: yeah. so  you better be committed.
Me: really?

At this point, you should probably start filling out your nominations for my husband's sainthood application.

PC:  Yes. really. Take the checkbook and get it done punk ass.

So, maybe just a really minor sainthood would be ok.  I mean, saints don't call their wives punk ass, do they?  Wait . . . . do saints even have wives?  Are they allowed to get married?  Poor saints.

Me:  Ok, I called and had to leave a message for them to call me back.  I mean, I don't even know if they have room for me and I will probably not even pass the test to get into the program andit's really a lot of money and what if I don't do well and I think I am hyperventilating.
PC: you can do this, babe.  I believe in you.  You are going to be fine.  Don't they have a $1k prize if you win or something at the end?

Me: more hyperventilating here.

PC: You can keep every penny of it WHEN you win.

I love this man.  He just gave me almost $400 to join a ten week intensive exercise program.  And by intensive, I mean even fit people who exercise all of the time have trouble moving the first few weeks.  I may die, but at least my headstone can say "she tried".  So, yeah, just waiting to get a phone call and then I am totally signing up for the biggest beating my body will ever have been through.  Willingly.  

That mother trucking scale better not disappoint me.

If you're wondering if they have a Farrell's near you (or are just wondering what the deal is about the program), check out their site:

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I know I have been slacking on keeping up on this blog.  I also know you are majorly surprised by this fact.  (insert sarcastic chuckle here).

What you should know, and should be damn proud of, is that I have NOT been slacking on my weight loss.  I have kept up with exercising.  I even started a new diet.  And it is amaaaaaaaaaaazing grace.  No, seriously, it's the end all, beat all, wonder of wonders of all diets.  I love it.

What I love more?
The results.  

Yup, in laymen's terms, this diet works . . . if you follow it to the letter.  I don't care what people say about this part of the diet seeming shady or that part of the diet not being quite right.  Here's what I know:  the diet was created by a doctor and based off of the South Beach Diet (which I have successfully used in the past).  This doctor is an actual MD.  I looked up his credentials.  They are real.  I figure he kind of knows what he is talking about.  He gives this diet to his patients.  He actually exercises with his patients.  And there are lots of success stories all over the internet of people losing weight and keeping it off for YEARS with this diet.

Of course, there are also lots of people dissing the program, saying it doesn't work, it's a modified South Beach, etc, etc, etc.  Well, I tried it.  I followed it to the letter.  I am the kind of person that needs things spelled out.  A "this is what you will eat at this meal on this day" kind of deal.  And this diet has that for those that need it.  For those that don't need it, there are guidelines and lists of foods allowed in each cycle.  And I don't care how similar to the South Beach diet it is, this diet gave me what I needed.  Namely: a 24 pound weight loss in 7 days.

Yes, you read that correctly.  24 pounds in 7 days.

Is that right?  Yes.  24 pounds in 7 days.  Will you see the same results?  Maybe. But remember, I have a LOT more weight to lose than your average person.  I am extremely obese.  I hit my highest weight ever on December 31, 2011.  I weighed even more than I did at 9 months pregnant with my youngest son, who was 11 pounds at birth.  I was humiliated and destroyed by the scale's numbers.  I am still humiliated and won't say what those numbers are, but I can tell you that I am closer to getting under 300 pounds than I have been in years.  And I can't tell you how happy I am about that.

24 pounds in 7 days.

Is it water weight?  Probably.  But, you know what?  That water weight has been weighing my scale (and ME!) down for years now.  It's not showing up on the scale any more.  And that does two things:  first, it makes me ecstatically happy and I tend to jump around saying things like "booyah, baby - fifty pounds this year, bitches!" and other rather inane and childish things that make me giddy and happy and smile with a huge toothy grin.  Secondly, like the good doctor says - water weight is just as bad for you as fatty weight.  And now it's gone.  gone.  gone.

And, in case you missed it - yes, I have lost a grand total of fifty pounds since January 1.  Not only that, but I reached my goal/resolution to lose fifty pounds by my wedding anniversary (which happens on June 30th).

New goal? Ten more pounds before my wedding anniversary.  Can I do it?  Last week, I would have said no.  This week - I say I bet I do another 20.

So, you may not hear from me for weeks on end.  I may not post for months and months.  But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy.  I have been . . . busy losing weight.

OH!  And for those of you curious as to what diet has given me these amazing results?  The 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno.  Get both the diet book and the cookbook.  And then watch yourself disappear.  As another side note, I will mention that I have NOT been feeding my kids anything different than what I am eating.  I do add more carbs for them (like bread/tortillas/brown rice), because they are growing boys and need those.  But, otherwise, they eat what I eat.  And they LOVE it.  I have never gotten more compliments on my meals than I do with these.  And they don't seem to be as hungry throughout the day as they usually are, insisting on a snack every twenty minutes.  Instead, they eat about every two or three hours, like I do.  So maybe this healthy eating plan isn't just good for me.  Seems it's good for my family, as well.

Finally . . . . .

fifty pounds, cha cha cha
fifty pounds boooooooyah!

(I like to shake my booty, grin like a madwoman, and wave my arms around as I spin in a circle and sing this, lol)