I really suck at this blogging thing. And the losing weight thing. And the exercise thing. Especially the exercise thing.
So, here I am, like 3 months after my last post, updating that no, the scale has not moved much (well, it moves up and up and down again, but I am pretty much at the same weight I was at the point of my last post) and yes, I am frustrated at my lack of commitment. This is supposed to be my year, the year I finally get this weight off. It WILL be my year!
My problem isn't that I eat too much. It isn't even that I eat bad foods. My problem is exercise right now. I hate to be hot. I hate to sweat. I hate, hate, hate moving in ways that makes my body jiggle in mortifying the public can see my body jiggling ways. I have a gym membership I never use. It's nice enough out I could even walk the dog around the block. But I don't. Jeebus, I am so frustrated with myself.
I realize it's a problem, this lack of commitment/no desire whatsoever to exercise kind of problem. I need to just get over it. But the problem is HOW do I get over it? HOW do I focus on my insecurities, smooth them over and get my fat ass moving. It doesn't have to be in the gym, I just need to freaking MOVE. I was reading a few articles this morning. Ironically, the articles were filled with low GI crock pot recipes I have been thinking about trying and NOT about exercise. I stumbled across this blog and came up with a brilliant plan. That blog is a little too religious for my tastes, so I really just skimmed through it briefly (because it was going to make my eyes bleed with all the Praise Jesusing) to get the basics. And then I had a light bulb moment.
I don't need to wait until the New Year to start this. I don't even need a partner in crime, though it would help me with my accountability. And so . . . I have challenged my husband. And, I challenge anyone who decides to read this, whether you read it today or ten years from now.
The challenge?
For the next thirty days, I will exercise every. single. day. Not just a simple going up and down the stairs hauling laundry kind of exercise, either. Oh no. This challenge involves the actual breaking of sweat. Getting up off my ass and out of the house kind of exercise. Raising my heart rate and keeping it there for at least thirty minutes every day. Someone, namely Prince Charming, will have to actually see me red in the face, body fat jiggling, sweat dripping disgustingly off my chin to prove I completed the daily challenge. And, if I make it the thirty days, I am going to keep extending it to another thirty. I hope to blog about how it goes every day. But, well, let's be honest. I don't have a great track record here. The challenge starts today.
Oh yeah - the consequences. Besides remaining fat, uncomfortable, and miserable forever and ever, for any day that I FAIL to meet the challenge, I have to do double the time the next day. If I miss two days in a row, then that third day will be brutal exercising for an hour and a half. Each day missed means I have to add on the time to the next time I exercise. It also means I fail the challenge and have to start all over again.
I've never passed a challenge yet. I hope I get through this one. Because my girlfriend is getting married at the end of August. In Vegas. And I have been promised a plane ticket AND $500 party/shopping/gambling money if I can lose fifty pounds by then. Prince Charming lops off $100 for each ten pounds I don't lose to make my goal. I have a lot of work to do.
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